Background Pattern

Adaptive Reuse Architecture

Course Code


Number of Credits



Course Type

Study Material

Study MaterialDepth
BK 2.1 Space and Form: Creative form and space, and communicating effectively with appropriate tools and media.Express
BK 2.3 Life Safety Design: design with safety and evacuation in mind based on a comprehensive understanding that protects human life and property.Express
BK 2.4 Building Materials and Composition Methods: design based on exploration and understanding of the selection and composition methods of architectural building materials.Express
BK 2.5 Integration of Building Systems in Design: designing with an understanding of the principles of building systems, integrating elements such as structures, envelope systems, materials, and mechanical systems in a building.Express

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) carried by the course

CPMK CodeCourse Learning Outcomes Elements (CLO)
CPMK 1Students are able to assess the space and form of the adaptive reuse building. Examine the functional and aesthetics that are compiled into the utilisation activity plan.
CPMK 2Students are able to conduct technical feasibility assessment methods (engineering/technology, security and safety) in adaptive reuse buildings.
CPMK 3Students are able to explain the principle of an adaptive reuse building system.
CPMK 4Students are able to explain the principle of an adaptive reuse building system.

Learning Method

  • Clasical (lecture) Group discussion Site visit Project-based learning Active learning strategies

Learning Modality

  • Synchronous offline

Assessment Methods

  • Group assignments, midterms, final exams